Saturday, May 3, 2014

May the Fourth be With You

Did you know that Nick and I are gigantic nerds?  Cuz it's true.  Poor Claire has practically no chance of being a normal kid.  Case in point:  when Nick and I were dating he told me how he thought it was totally bad@$$ of Han Solo to say, "I know" after Leia freaks out and tells him that she loves him.  It became this joke between us that whenever one of us said, "I love you," the other person would say, "I know."  When we got engaged, I had "I know." engraved on his wedding band.  And THAT'S how nerdy we are.

So it makes sense that we would have a photo shoot for Star Wars Day.  If you don't know what Star Wars Day is, I feel bad for you, son.  :)  May 4th.  May THE 4th.  May the fourth be with you!  Ahaha!  I did mention the nerdiness, didn't I?  

Yes, we have a toy lightsaber.  No, we did not buy it for Claire.  

My cousin, Jackie found these crocheted Star Wars dolls somewhere in AZ gave them to Claire.  They might have been one of my favorite gifts!

No Claire!  Not Han!  He's one of the good guys!

"Noooooooo!"  /starwarsjoke

Claire!  Oh, wait.  You can kill Vader. 

Apparently small light-up toys are nummy.

Very nummy.

Although we are nerds, we do try to be well-rounded, so here are some non-nerd photos.

This was my dolly high chair when I was little.  We've been meaning to take pictures of Claire in it for a while and it's a good thing we picked today!  She barely fits!

I love her pink sandals.  Claire was less enthused about them.

We kept making noises, trying to get her to smile, but mostly we got the curious face.  Still love it.

I feel like there needs to be a speech bubble above her head saying, "Please, somebody save me from my crazy parents!"


Dang, I love this kid.  I know I'm biased, but she really is such a cutie!

1 comment:

  1. Jason approves! (me too, really). I think the "speech bubble" picture might be my favorite of this bunch - it's just so funny! May the 4th be with you as well :)
