Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Claire's first "solid" food

Why do they call it solid food when it's about as liquidy as formula?
Claire's doctor told us to start her on single veggie foods first. I thought you were supposed to start babies with rice formula, but her doc said it was better to get Claire used to different tastes and textures first.

Uh. Mom? What's going on here?

More carrots on her face than in her mouth!

I don't understand how this is supposed to work...

Overall, she liked eating the carrots.  Now we need to figure out how to get her to open her mouth for the spoon!

 Claire is obsessed with this cute little doll/mini-blanket thing. I hang it over her toy bar and she stares at it forever! :)

Here's her sweet little outfit from Sunday! We never actually made it to church because SOMEONE decided to fall asleep ten minutes before church started and then slept for 3.5 hours. Claire looked fabulous anyways-

She even had zebra shoes but those stayed on her feet for about six seconds. 

1 comment:

  1. love the pics of her doll obsession.
    hahah starting solids is hilarious. they have no idea how to keep the food in. everytime i put the food in capris mouth it just came falling out like her whole mouth was numb after a dentist office visit. she's a champ now.
    you are a GREAT mom.
