Friday, April 4, 2014

Like mother, like daughter?

I'm about to do EXACTLY what I tell my 8th graders not to do.  Argue for both sides.  

Before anyone accuses me of not picking the best pictures to compare myself to Claire, I'll have you know that I spent 3 times as long trying to find pictures of Claire that look like me.  And I'm still not convinced.  But here ya go!

That's my Grandpa Wagner holding me.  :)  What an awesome guy.  I miss him.
Anyways- I kinda see a resemblance, but not a huge one.  Mostly with the eyes and the ears.

Again, I see the eyes and the ears, but our smiles are really different.  Also, I think I was close to a year old in this photo, so maybe that has something to do with it.  I don't have a ton of my baby photos.  Most of them are still at home in CA.

I looked and looked for a photo of Claire that matched my face in this one, I just couldn't find a good one.

Why were all of my smiles incredible crooked?  Whatever.  I see the "sparkle" that Claire and I both have when we smile, and our noses are similar and we definitely have the same ears, but all in all, I think she looks a LOT more like Nick than like me.  And I'm okay with that.  After all, I think Nick is a pretty handsome guy, so why complain?  Besides, Claire might grow out of it over time and end up looking more like me as she gets older.

So, have I convinced anyone yet?


  1. It's her eyes that say Megan. Cheekbones down it is Nick and I think that is why you see more of him in her face. Those of us that know you well recognize that sparkle and we immediately go to Megan. :)

  2. I am now convinced!!! You were a dang cute baby!!!
