Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Like father, like daughter

People keep telling me Claire looks like me. False! Claire looks like NICK! (Not that I would mind taking credit for her cuteness, but it's just not true!)
I would like to submit the following into evidence:

Look at the smiles!  LOOK AT THEM!  They're identical!  

Please tell me you see the eyebrows.  You see them?  Right?  And the hairline, and the nose and the jaw...

Two double chins!  (Quadruple chins?) 

They even had the same unimpressed look on their faces after birth.  

So it's settled, right?  Claire takes after her daddy.  Good.  Thank you.  Glad we had this talk.  


  1. The unimpressed expressions is my favorite evidence :) I would have to agree, she looks like she is definitely the daughter of both of you, but more strongly resembles Nick. She's so cute and snuggly!

  2. do the same post with baby pics of you to truly convince me that there is NOT the same nose, jaw, chin, etc...... deal?
