2 weeks: 2%
1 month 4%
2 months 5%
4 months 33%
2 weeks: 8%
1 month: 11%
2 months: 19%
4 months: 40%
For the first few days of Claire's life, the doctors and nurses were REALLY worried about how small she was. Claire hasn't had any major health problems (thank you, Father in Heaven!) but when she was born, she was so small that she didn't even fit into the 1% rank! Now my little cherub is in the bottom third! Hurray! Claire has started growing out of clothes she hasn't had time to wear yet!
Claire has rolled over a couple of times, but she hates it, so we can't get her to practice. :) The very first time she rolled over I was trying to take some pictures so I got the whole thing!
Claire just chillin' on her tummy...
Starting to push with her left arm...
Keep pushing, baby!
What's happening?!
Now I'm on my back? Hm...
I have no idea what just happened!
Then came Easter! Both of Claire's grandmothers bought her an Easter dress, so we took pictures in both of them!
One of our friends at church asked us if we had gotten this dress from Paris. She thought it had a very Parisian vibe. Tres chic!
I love this picture! She's looking up at Nick and laughing!
All she wanted was to put the dress in her mouth. Actually, all she EVER wants is to put various things in her mouth. Socks, sleeves, burp cloths, blankets... if it's fabric she wants to taste it!
my happy, chubby, angel baby!
And now we come to the section entitled, "Random Adorabosity". What? It's a word.
Okay, maybe not, but if "twerk" is recognized by the Oxford English Dictionary, then I have the right to invent my own stupid words. And my inventions aren't about skanks.
The curious-about-everything face
Smiles! Claire had a little rash on the back of her head, so we put this medicine on it and then put the hat on to keep it from rubbing off immediately.
I freaking LOVE her expression here! She looks like Uncle Kyle!
Drooly chin grin!
One of Claire's Sunday church dresses. She was obsessed with the polka-dots!
It's impossible to talk a photo in which one of Claire's limbs is NOT moving! My little wiggle worm!
I wish I had a better shot of her shirt. It says, "Daddy's Favorite Girl". We realized that Claire would have to be our only daughter to wear this one. We wouldn't want to make her feel bad if her little sister wore it!
All bundled up after a long day of cuteness.
Another church outfit, and Claire's first tutu skirt! So cute!
A sleeping baby is beautiful in many ways, especially when she smiles in her sleep!
All strapped in and ready to go for a drive!
This is my favorite picture of Claire right now. I can't figure out why. Maybe it's the foot-in-the-camera kicking. Maybe it's the tongue action that seems to be pretty much constant now-a-days. Maybe it's because this reminds me how happy and sweet she is in the early morning hours. I'm so lucky to have this little miracle baby in my life!
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