Saturday, October 19, 2013

Don't you just LOVE being pregnant?!

I've met lots of women who LOVED being pregnant.  I am not one of them.  Don't get me wrong- there are awesome parts of pregnancy.  First- feeling her move around and react to things is kind of amazing.  When she was 25-ish weeks old, baby started kicking pretty hard and she would kick every few seconds for 5 minutes straight.  It got pretty uncomfortable, but she would stop and hold very still if Nick started talking to her.  At first I thought it was just a coincidence, but it happened over and over again, even when he wasn't talking directly to her, but talking loudly for some reason, like if I was in another room.  This would even happen when we were with other people and Nick would start talking.  It's like she wanted to stop moving so she could listen better to her daddy's voice.  :)  Another awesome thing about pregnancy is that everyone is SO nice to you.  Random people smile at me all day long and tell me I look great.  It's kind of an ego boost, I'll be honest.

But those are the silver linings of pregnancy. Other than that, I really hate being pregnant.  I have this constant worry about every little change in my body and worrying about the little one growing inside me. Am I eating enough healthy food?  Did I take my vitamin today?  What was that pain?   Will she have ADHD if I can't make it through today without a little caffeine?  What if I start bleeding? What if I fall down on the icy sidewalk?

For the first few months I was literally in a constant state of nausea. It was not unusual for me to lunge out the back door of my classroom to puke outside. During class.  In front of 10ish teenagers.  It's REALLY hard to maintain your dignity and continue a lesson after the whole class just watched you lose your lunch on the grass. The second trimester is all about trying to prove that you're actually pregnant.  Maybe this doesn't matter to other people, but I was 5 months pregnant and still announcing it to people who looked shocked.  Also during the second trimester, I developed a sleeping disorder.  I would sleep for 10-12 hours on a week night and 15-16 on a weekend night, plus the occasional nap.  My energy was completely gone.  I shouldn't complain too much about the second trimester though.  It was by far the most comfortable and at least I could sleep.  That is what trimester number three is all about.  Discomfort!  It's uncomfortable to breathe, eat, walk, sleep, stand, sit.... and the whole time I have this amazing little person inside of me kicking and hiccuping and rolling over so that my stomach looks like something out of Aliens.

If it wasn't for the fact that I cannot freaking WAIT to hold my daughter and count her fingers and toes and kiss her bald little head- this would be awful. :)

Okay, maybe I don't completely hate pregnancy.

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