Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Six months of awesome

I can't believe my amazing, wonderful little girl is six months old.  She is such a blessing in my life, it's hard to remember what I did for fun BC (Before Claire).  It's just crazy how much my life has changed in the last year, and how much it's going to continue to change.  Embrace the crazy!

Lots of photos coming, but first, allow me a soapbox moment.  I have been accused of "sugarcoating" life with a newborn because I post mostly happy pictures and funny/silly stories.  For those of my friends who like to read this blog and think that we have a perfectly happy life and a faultlessly sweet baby- think again.  Just because I don't want to burden the world with my frustrations and shortcomings does not mean I don't have them.  I am not perfect.  Claire is not perfect. (Nick is pretty close.)  But we are all doing the best we can.  My intention with this blog is not to make people think that every part of my life is perfect and happy, but rather to share happy moments with friends and family who are interested in our lives.  I hope that those people who choose to read these stories understand my motives and can enjoy what I post.  Okay.  Soapbox over.  Time for the good stuff.

Claire with Uncle Kyle.  Soon-to-be Aunt Alexa took this cute photo.

Such a happy smile!  :) 

One day, Claire grabbed the sunglasses off of my head and wouldn't give them up.  So much for "out of sight, out of mind"!  When I took them away she started whimpering and I couldn't take it, so I gave them back.  So much for being the mean mom!

She's so adorable!

Training 'em young!

Memorial Day picnic with Kyle, Alexa, Katie, and John.  Claire was surrounded by aunts and uncles.

She has such BIG eyes!  They are her secret weapon.

So, right before I took this picture, Claire's diaper kind of exploded everywhere! Once I got everything cleaned up, this was the cute "Who?  ME?!" face she was making.

I don't know why she clasps her hands like that, but it makes her look so posed.  :)